Roku’s Dual Club Pack for Costco
Roku’s Dual Club Pack for Costco
Roku’s Dual Club Pack for Costco stores nationally combines two products into a single package. Engineered and designed at our HQ in Santa Clara, the project starts as a 3D model and is quickly pushed to a physical prototype. This process requires combining printing, corrugate, plastic thermoforming, die-cutting, and rigorous testing to ensure the club pack packaging meets ISTA standards.
When manufacturing of all required parts are completed, they’re shipped to our Milpitas, CA assembly team – there, the pieces come together to create the finished product. The two halves of the die-cut corrugate are married together with the thermoformed insert sandwiched in between. The dance from engineering to production is complete only once the packages arrive in stores.
The club packs are continually produced and shipped throughout the year, or until a new product is introduced and we start the process all over again.
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